Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tighty Whities and thrown in girls locker room?

I'm Larry, currently in 6th grade. My middle school has a gym period with grades 6-8. I wear a set of shorts underneath my pants. I accidently took off both at once, but only one kid so me in my TW and though he stared, he didn't say anything so w/e. The next day some 8th graders were staying longer than usual and probably tipped off. i took off my shirt to change and when i couldnt see, they pantsed me and grabbed off my shirt, revealing my tighty whities. 5 kids grabbed me and took me to the girls locker room where the girls suspended me by my tighty whities on this board with a hook. The girls took phones out of their lockers and took pics and vids of me. I yelled, Get me down, so they took off my underwear and got me down. Since im in 6th grade, I have a 1.5 inch penis. They all laughed and kept me in there for a long time. They gave me pink undies i wore down the halls to the office to call my mom. They posted vids/pics on boards and facebooks. What should I do?

Tighty Whities and thrown in girls locker room?
I'm so sorry for that .. and i really feel sad for what happened to you .. but u have to take action and stop those students where they are ... in my opinion i suggest that u should slowly and without attracting anyone's attention discover something that would embarrass one of this bunch of idiots and make posters of it or stickers and just make him/her and it would better be a her feel the same feeling you did feel when they were all laughing and giggling about something that really embarrased you .. this is sth like a revenge .. or you could just let it go .. and just wait for that day that WILL come and they will all regret doing sth like that to you .. when u become better than them and just find ur way to go into the community with higher grades and i dont think it is sth you should worry about ...
Reply:you have a rich fantasy life.
Reply:be grateful! brag about it! pretty soon the guys and the girls involved will think they did you a favor and will not only stop teasing you, they will wish it had happened to them. maybe it will start a new fad.
Reply:ohhhh. you serious i wouldnt take that mate

how old are u now?

i mean if you have left six grade you should be bigger than 1.5
Reply:awww that is so mean...i would go and talk to them and tell them how i feel..if they did not listen i would go to the school and all those kids would get susspended...and when they come back and they still tease you ask to change schoollss....that sounds extreeme but your still young and you don want to be teaased yuour whole could be really bad...Good luck..and dont let them get to you..there just mean!
Reply:This story sounds a little fake...

buy my son also got teased for wearing briefs too

and he is in 7th grade but dont let them get to u if this is true

just ignore there comments

my son was very upset at them at first

he used to wear cartoon briefs so he got it even worse so he started wearing plain briefs but dont switch just because you think its not cool.

wear what you are comfortable in

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